Well, I've had a good week of appointments and to-do's before school starts. Here is what it consisted of:
Kansas spruced up my bike for me. He put on new tires, new brakes, a new fork, and he oiled up my chain. That took about 10 lbs of weight off of it and made my ride A LOT more smooth, and safe.
I went grocery shopping for work and stopped to take a look at syrups for my own personal curiosity, to see if there are any syrups at HEB that don't contain high fructose. This guy, about my age, walks up to me and says, "What are you looking for?" I told him. "See," he goes, "that's what we were just talking about. Organic girls..."
"Yeah, I mean..." He was definitely drunk. At about 3:00 in the afternoon.
"I mean, I kinda think it's like obvious, you know? Like, organic? Aren't we all like...grown?"
"Yeah I guess we are."
"Why is that stuff bad anyways?" He was referring to high fructose corn syrup. I actually couldn't even remember why it was bad. I just know I've heard from everywhere that it is. I BS'd some answer about blood sugar. He just stared at my boobs and looked really bored. I finished my half made-up nutrition lesson and waited quietly for him to take his turn in the conversation but it was hopeless. "Um, sorry to disturb your...your looking for syrup," he said and walked away.
The only other exciting thing that happened this week was that I got a haircut. Oh! Wait, here's something else. I was taking Keith back from the bookstore to get his books for classes. As we were walking through the door from the garage in his apartments, Schatzi (his 5 lb Chihuahua / terrier mix who thinks she is the Minotaur or some other ferocious thing) decided to poop. She's done this a few times while going through the garage despite my urgings that she just wait till we get to the apartment. (I think she knows it pisses me off because she can totally get away with it). But she was trying to poop right where Keith was wheeling himself in the doorway, so he kind of scooted her with his foot and she moved....to another spot right in front of him. This continued for a few good minutes as he kept trying to make her clear a path. All the while her little turd is dangling from her butt and she's trying to continue pooping (squatting all the way) while walking. I don't think she's ever made us laugh that hard before.
Last night's TND was great. Good times, good friends.
Good bike ridin'

Here's to the coming of Fall...where hopefully soon it won't smell like BO everywhere I go!
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