Thursday, November 05, 2009

this great illusion


"The objective world simply is, it does not happen. Only to the gaze of my consciousness, crawling upward along the lifeline of my body, does a section of the world come to life as a fleeting image in space which continually changes." -Herman Weyl

I love talking about the past because it is the only really concrete thing I have.

The present is almost illusory. It slips by so quickly that I never really even realize that I ever had it, much less feel like I know what I ought to do with it.

The future is too problematic to even deal with. It is, in reality, completely uncertain, yet I somehow convince myself that I have the capability of controlling it. I visualize, plan, and predict. When future moves to present, I wring my hands and watch as it slips into the ambiguity of the stasis of "now."

How can I determine what to do with "now" when I am so focused on all the possibilities of "then" - of tomorrow, of some distant time and space?

But then, as the moment - carefully dancing with and gripping all the other molecules surrounding it and qualifying its existence - slips into the past, it frees me from this worry. It is over. Its existence, its quality, its validity, does not depend on me or what I do with it. Consciousness is no longer required, no responsibility is asked of me. I can laugh. But sometimes it is better to cry.

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