Thursday, June 11, 2009

Massages and Rhetoric

I was getting my boss' car washed today and they had a massage therapist set up in their waiting area, selling massages. He asked if I wanted one for $1 per minute. I usually say no to stuff like that, but I have been thinking of and wanting to see a massage therapist for a while to work on my shoulders. I've been working on my posture for like a year to get rid of my horrible slouching stoop, and have realized that my neck and shoulders are pretty messed up and tense and in need of help.

"We take Visa!" he offered. Sold - what the heck?...5 minutes, and we'll see how this goes...

About a minute into it I told him, "You better make this 10..."

Oh man, I need to get a 10 min. massage like, every day. I felt, like, fixed. Like a person should feel on a normal basis, I think. Thank you God.

I haven't been a very faithful blogger lately. In my writing classes they always drill, "Blog blog blog! Build a writing sample for future employers!" So I have this pressure to blog...but no real motivation. I'm not motivated because I don't really have an audience. On blogspot I have 1 follower (thanks Melissa!) and people on facebook don't read notes unless they are tagged. At Teen Mania I was a blogging freak. I was motivated to write because I knew people were reading, leaving comments.

There is something about having an audience...having someone to listen to your words. This may be strange or even a little psychotic, but I have this secret little audience person in my head that I talk to constantly. If not out loud, then silently in my thoughts. Sometimes I don't remember whether or not something I said to myself in my head was just in my head or if I was speaking, which can make for embarrassing situations. There are other people who do this too, right? Right??

I picture the audience member as a specific person most of the time. Usually someone whom I think is cool and wish to impress. Cool teachers. Friends or preachers or people I don't know but would like to know. Boys I want to impress. Never do I really think of it as what it really own view of myself.

Words are expressions of the intangible. Dang. Does that not do it for you right there?

“Where does the drama get its materials? From the "unending conversation" that is going on at the point in history when we are born.”
-Kenneth Burke

"Words in my head
Like misfits after midnight, begging for a light
Words left unsaid,
they may never see the light of day, and that may be ok."
-over the rhine

1 comment:

kb said...

i'm a friend of AH's :) As anne of green gables so keenly expressed it, you seem like one "of the race that knows Joseph" or a "kindred spirit" -- and i just added you to my google rss reader.
So make it TWO followers, and keep writing!

~ a katie sister